C. Y. Simon and M. Abdulkadir
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Maiduguri, Borno state Nigeria
*Corresponding author: simonyaji8@gmail.com, doi.org/10.55639/607. 181716
Power outage in Maiduguri occurred on the 26th January, 2021. In this study the effect of power outage on the livelihood of Maiduguri residents were investigated. A carefully prepared questionnaire in line with the objectives of the study on the respondents; the study area is Maiduguri Metropolitan City (MMC) with target Population size (N) of 822,000;where a random sampling technique was used to select Sample size (n) of 400 using Yamane’s formula at (0.05) level of significance but only 380 Samples out of 400 sample size was accounted for the study The recent power outage in Maiduguri was caused by insurgency (militants/terrorist activities), Wrong location of transmission power lines and kidnappings of local and foreign experts and obsolete and non- functional transmission and distribution equipment . It was discovered that power outage constituted a major challenge to the standard of living, economic growth, education, health status and security of lives and property of Maiduguri. based on the findings this study recommends that government should encourage the use of alternative sources of energy such as gas for cooking and heating in order to reduce the demand for electricity. This could be achieved if government partners with the private sector to make the products available. This study also recommends that Government should engage the Private sector operators in joint partnerships in order to stimulate and sustain necessary investment and make the power sector more efficient.
Power outage,