Arid-zone Journal of Basic & Applied Research (AJBAR)
Performance Enhancement of Degraded Engine Oil with Blends of Neem Oil and Avocado Oil for Lubrication
Thermodynamic Investigation of Leptadenia Hastata (Yadiya) Leaves Extract on Corrosion Inhibition of Mild Steel in Acidic Media
Synthesis, Characterization and Photocatalytic Activity of Eco-friendly ZnCr/C-LDH Nanocatalyst
Metal Levels in Tillapia zilli, Clarias lazera and Barbus lagoensis from River Hadejia and the Effects on Renal Failure
Assessment of Water Quality from Shallow Hand-Dug Wells in Dutse Town, North West Nigeria
Binary Logistic Regression Model with Application in Students G.P.A Performance
Cultivation and Determination of Protein, Elements and Vitamin Content of Oyster Mushroom