Synthesis, Characterization and Antioxidant Activity of Mixed–Ligand Complexes of Mn(Ii), Co(Ii), Ni(Ii), Cu(Ii) And Zn(Ii) Ions with Nicotinic Acid and Phenylalanine

F. Buba, M. A. Isa, M. M. Ibrahim, M. M. Mohammed and F. A. Gubio

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Antibiogram and Plasmid Profile analysis of Bacterial Strains from Diabetic Skin Ulcers

F. Buba, M. A. Isa, M. M. Ibrahim, M. M. Mohammed and F. A. Gubio

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Seasonal Variation in The Cost of Livestock Rearing in Maiduguri Metropolis, Borno State, Nigeria

F. Buba, M. A. Isa, M. M. Ibrahim, M. M. Mohammed and F. A. Gubio

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Prevalence and Intensity of Gastrointestinal Helminths of Clarias gariepinus from selected Fish Farms in Makurdi, Benue State

F. Buba, M. A. Isa, M. M. Ibrahim, M. M. Mohammed and F. A. Gubio

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Effect of Biofertilizer, Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers on the Growth Parameters and Root Colonization of Pennisetum Typhoides (Burm F.) under Greenhouse Conditions

F. Buba, M. A. Isa, M. M. Ibrahim, M. M. Mohammed and F. A. Gubio

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Distribution and Molecular characterization of Blackflies (Simulium damnosum) infected with Onchocerca volvulus along river Zururu Malalin Gabas Kaduna

F. Buba, M. A. Isa, M. M. Ibrahim, M. M. Mohammed and F. A. Gubio

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On Order Selection of Arima Models for Stationary Normal and Non-Normal Data Structures

F. Buba, M. A. Isa, M. M. Ibrahim, M. M. Mohammed and F. A. Gubio

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Comparative study on Physicochemical and Microbiological Assessment of Combined Sprouted/Fermented Sorghum (S. bicolor) blended with Cowpea (Vignia unguiculata) and Groundnut (Arachis hypogea)

F. Buba, M. A. Isa, M. M. Ibrahim, M. M. Mohammed and F. A. Gubio

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Sero-prevalence of HBsAg and anti-HCV Co-infection among Pregnant Women Accessing Primary Health Care (PHC) Maternity of Lamurde, Mubi-South, Adamawa State, Nigeria

F. Buba, M. A. Isa, M. M. Ibrahim, M. M. Mohammed and F. A. Gubio

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Characterization and Toxicity Studies of Caffeine Isolated from Root Bark Extract of Piliostigma thonningii (Schum.)

F. Buba, M. A. Isa, M. M. Ibrahim, M. M. Mohammed and F. A. Gubio

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